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A search for 'The Magnificent Seven' gave the following results:

46 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 46 matching titles
1 matches in labels:
  1. Great Songs & Themes From Great Films (Cinephile 141)
    Collection of pop-styled arrangements to: Get Carter, Soldier Blue, Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins, Flight Of The Doves, Zeppelin.

674 matches in tracks
  1. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Great Motion Picture Themes
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  2. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Exodus
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  3. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Pote Tin Kyriaki
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  4. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Magnificent Seven, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  5. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Alamo, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  6. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Limelight
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  7. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Big Country, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  8. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from I Want To Live!
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  9. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Unforgiven, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  10. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Apartment, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  11. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from On The Beach
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  12. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Horse Soldiers, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  13. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Vikings, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  14. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Wonderful Country, The
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  15. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Some Like It Hot
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  16. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Solomon And Sheba
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  17. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from God's Little Acre
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  18. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Great Motion Picture Themes
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  19. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Exodus
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
  20. The Magnificent Seven (02:03)
    from Pote Tin Kyriaki
    from THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by Elmer Bernstein (performed by Al Caiola)
Show all 674 matching tracks